‘What we find changes who we become’ Peter Morville
Understanding needs breadth and depth. We produce robust numbers and evidenced opinions, thoughtful analysis and different perspectives.
Qualitative and quantitative, co-produced and post modern, our success over twenty years has been based on the quality and imagination we bring to research.
We can:
- Design, deliver and analyse surveys
- Organise, conduct and interpret focus groups and depth interviews
- Interpret and triangulate secondary data
- Train and manage research teams
Project experience includes:
- Options for payment by qualifications results in the provision of further education (quantitative and qualitative), Greater London Authority
- Patient experience and satisfaction with primary and hospital care (qualitative and quantitative), NHS South East Coast
- Student experience from enquiry through application to the end of first term (qualitative and longitudinal), University of Brighton
- European aid policies for social and employment goals (desk), ACE consultants,
- Government policies and programmes for education and universities in the Gulf (desk), Tribal Consulting
- Learner attitudes to maths learning and support (qualitative), School of
Mathematics and Computing, University of Brighton
- Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis of digital activism and inclusion, Workers
Education Association Nottingham
- Research into attitudes towards patient data security (qualitative), Imperial College Health Partners
- Research to inform master planning for estates (qualitative and workshops), University of Brighton